Берлин хотод Герман хэлний курст суралцаад мэргэжлээрээ Дадлага хийх боломж

Герман хэлний курс + Берлинд дадлага хийх

Бид Берлинд (цалингүй) дадлага хийх боломжтой бөгөөд та хамгийн багадаа 4 долоо хоногийн өмнө Герман хэлний сургалтанд хамрагдах ёстой. GLS нь Бундестаг, Берлиний утга зохиолын наадам, архитектурын газар дээр дадлага хийх ажлыг аль хэдийн зохион байгуулсан. Бид жил бүр 100 хүртэлх дадлагын ажлын байрыг зохион байгуулдаг.

Байршуулах төлбөр: 600 евро

600 € байрлуулах төлбөр + 4 долоо хоногоос доошгүй хугацаагаар Герман хэлний сургалтын төлбөр. Хичээлийн үнэ нь таны сонгосон хичээлийн төрлөөс хамаарна.

Дадлага хийх салбарууд:


You will be part of a team of highly skilled architects that design for their clients in Germany or worldwide. Mainly, you will be supporting the firm with documentation, copying and every day administration as well as sketching, drawing or designing.  Depending on your background you might be involved in a project and longer internships might allow you to lead your own project.

Arts and Culture

As an intern in the Arts & Culture Industry you can expect to work with industry-forming artists and cultural entrepreneurs. Berlin offers a wealth of possibilities in the field of museology, theatre studies and general cultural science and marketing. You might be asked to help with general administrative tasks, work with a group of children, write texts for a gallery’s web page, organize small events, do online research or work together with artists.

Business and administration

Are you studying economics, finance or business? An internship in this field can be a great bridge to apply your skills in a German company, accountancy or consultancy. General tasks might include controlling, data base maintenance, administrative tasks or accounting. Depending on your background you might be asked to talk to clients or lead a small project yourself.

IT and Graphic Design

Are you great with computers, love the look of a sleek website or know all about the newest technologies? As an intern in the IT, technology or Graphic Design Industry you will learn how to work with their software, support the team in administrative tasks, maintain the data base, do online research and of course will get your own technological nuts to crack. Berlin’s innovative and fast growing start-up scene offers its interns a great platform to quickly take over their own projects and implement their own ideas.


When you study law and want to get acquainted with German jurisdiction, then an internship in a Berlin law firm is the right choice for you. You will be asked to help with general administration, help with cases and get an insight into the German law system. Some lawyers may even take you with them to court so you can witness a trial. Depending on your background and availability even specialized placements are possible, e.g. in fiscal law or labor law.

Marketing, Advertising and PR

You love brands, are a strong communicator and are eager to pitch your ideas in Germany? Our marketing, PR and advertising firms are looking for people like you. Some of your tasks might include administration, helping in designing and holding small presentations, online research, competitor’s analysis, database maintenance, writing or translating texts for facebook, twitter or the company’s website and depending on your experience you can lead your own projects or design concepts.

NGO, Ecology, Social Work, Politics

Berlin’s NGO and social politics organizations are as diverse and manifold as its people. Most likely your tasks will include a combination of going out in the field, helping with fundraising, talking with supporters and people in need but will also include office jobs, like designing a small campaign, online research, administrative tasks or journalism. 

Tourism and Event Management

When you are great with languages, love to travel and work with international clients then an internship in tourism is a great opportunity for you. You will help a travel agency, tourist office or a website in administrative and organizational tasks, you might also help with account keeping, translating, data base maintenance, research, journalism and talk to clients from Berlin, Germany and all over the world.


Дадлагын хөтөлбөрт тавигдах хамгийн бага шаардлагыг доороос харна уу. Хэрэв танд илүү их санал байвал бидэнд мэдэгдээрэй. Ар тал, мэргэшлийн хувьд илүү их байх тусмаа илүү сайн байх болно!

  • Дадлага эхлэх үед В1 түвшинд Герман хэлний мэдлэг GLS Герман хэлний сургалтанд хамрагдах.
  • 4 долоо хоног - хэрэв танд B1 түвшинд хүрэхэд илүү их цаг хугацаа шаардагдах юм бол (нэг түвшинд 2 сар орчим тооцоорой, өөрөөр хэлбэл та одоо A1 бол дадлага хийхээс өмнө 3-4 сарын хугацаанд герман хэлний курс шаардагдана). ЭНДЭЭС курс сонгоно уу.
  • хамгийн багадаа 18 нас
  • дунд боловсрол эзэмшсэн
  • 10-аас доошгүй долоо хоногийн цагийн төсөв (курс + дадлага)
  • эрүүл мэнд, хариуцлагын даатгал (хэрэв танд байхгүй бол үүнийг GLS-ээр захиалах боломжтой.
  • Бусад орны иргэдэд хөдөлмөр эрхлэх зөвшөөрөл олгох оюутны виз шаардлагатай